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Original Beans Esmeraldas 65% Dark Chocolate Couverture, 2kg

Order Portal is in development: contact your rep with questions

Flowers, tropical fruits and nuts in this Nacional cacao balance gently like the tree-hanging sloths under the canopy of Ecuador’s last cloud forest.

The daily mists and rains rising up from the Pacific to the Esmeraldas cacao forests cannot unsettle a sloth whose thickish fur grows upwards for the perfect water run-off. Your purchase of Esmeraldas 65% helps protect Ecuador’s last cloud forest and the sloth’s gentle way of life.

Online requests can be made in cases of 3
To order in smaller quantities, please contact your rep
WHOLESALE ONLY: A Priori is a distributor. You must have an active wholesale account to order products.

SKU: OBC-91102

Unit Size: 2kg

Case Size: 3

MSRP: $121.99

A Priori is a distributor: a wholesale account is required to order products