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King Floyd’s Scorched Pear & Ginger Bitters, 100ml

Order Portal is in development: contact your rep with questions

King Floyd’s Scorched Pear & Ginger Bitters is a rustic yet refined blend that’s bursting with flavors of ripe pear, caramel, spices and tangy garlic. The perfect balance of rich and light, it’s complexity is simple and easy on the palate. Pieces of dried pear are chard by hand to add a smoky caramel layer to its flavor profile. Notes of marsh mellows over a smoky campfire pit rise up and fall as the last melody of our newest offering dissipates on the tongue. Pairs well with vodka and gin based cocktails. Also a nice addition to rum and champagne.

Tasting Notes: Sweet and tangy with hints of caramel.

Ingredients: Filtered Water, Alcohol, Pear extract, Organic Ginger Root Extract, Organic Gentian Extract.

Online requests can be made in cases of 6
To order in smaller quantities, please contact your rep
WHOLESALE ONLY: A Priori is a distributor. You must have an active wholesale account to order products.

GTIN: 857203007172

SKU: KFB-11500

Unit Size: 100ml

Case Size: 6

MSRP: $24.99

A Priori is a distributor: a wholesale account is required to order products