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Dashfire Orange Bitters, 100ml

Order Portal is in development: contact your rep with questions

A bright and fresh orange bitter. Dashfire utilizes fresh orange rind for the aroma and some dry bitter orange for the bitterness with a cardamom and a hint of orange flower water that allow this bitter to shine in whiskey, gin and vodka cocktails. A classic reimagined.


  • Manhattan
  • Martini
  • Old Fashioned
  • The Liberal
  • Blood & Sand

Online requests can be made in cases of 6
To order in smaller quantities, please contact your rep
WHOLESALE ONLY: A Priori is a distributor. You must have an active wholesale account to order products.

GTIN: 753677291386

SKU: DAS-41040

Unit Size: 100ml

Case Size: 6

MSRP: $14.99

A Priori is a distributor: a wholesale account is required to order products