Wildfish Cannery Smoked Sockeye Salmon, 6oz

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Moist, smoky, salmony, and ruby red, Wildfish Cannery’s Smoked Sockeye is a salmon product delivers deliciously on its abundant hype.

Chinook may be the state’s official fish, but it is sockeye that people think of first when they imagine Alaskan salmon. Known for their deep red flesh, lean fat content, and powerful salmon flavor, these tins are special, delicious, and pack a mighty punch.

We love letting that color and taste sing loudly and recommend it on a tin board or in a smoky, tomato infused fish stew.

TASTING: flaky, rich, smoky, sweet

PAIRING: buttery chardonnay, soft cheeses, aoli

INGREDIENTS: Sockeye Salmon, Salt, Pure Cane Sugar, Garlic, Black Pepper, All-Natural Wood Smoke


Online requests can be made in cases of 12
To order in smaller quantities, please contact your rep

GTIN: 869386000352

SKU: WFC-01030

Unit Size: 6oz

Case Size: 12

MSRP: $15.99